The AHA Experience: Part 2

Sounds for overcoming obstacles.

The AHA Experience_Part_2

At this point, it is pertinent that I convey a very important idea. Attempting what I suggest will or will not work for you, but it must ultimately be reduced to you, and your own direct experience of it. I will reveal strategies that can allow for your dreams to come true. Mine have, and are continuing to do so, but most importantly, I feel that I am only beginning to reach an understanding appropriate for the use of others. It’s been almost 6 years now that I became aware, and since then I’ve had an entire spectrum of experiences that are not relatable by mere words alone. There’s some other component at work, and I believe it to be one helpful idea in unifying your mind.

It’s the age old philosophical question attempting to understand the relationship between Reason and Logic verses Feeling and Emotion. This is an important distinction to make, and our first departure down this forbidden rabbit hole. Anything that comes in pairs is simply a representation of the dual nature of things that we experience. It’s been long understood that this duality manifests itself around us as an amalgamation of possible potential outcomes. One can’t understand fully the notion of the things that follow without also grasping the concept of it’s dual opposite. Cold, soft, clean, up, wet.

This list seems ridiculously obvious in terminology and simply stated sure, but how often have you considered why or for what reason these reflective properties of essence exist in a form that is undeniable and agreed upon by everybody?

Even mentioning the reality between good and evil, whatever that may be is a stumbling block to many. I never see these qualities as being absolutes, what is good for me feels evil to you and visa versa, however it is much more appropriate to consider the following when dealing with this ancient conundrum.

Just as with magnets, we experience two forces. These forces are north and south, and are magnetic because of a general alignment of the spinning electrons around the nucleus. In most materials this spinning is randomly distributed, and contributes a net force of zero, however in objects that are magnetized, the spinning electrons have a general alignment that will net a force, or in other words, warp space time.

Visualize and consider that good and evil are simply words used to describe a quality of character. Within these descriptions, the focus is to gain a more sweeping understanding of any given situation. Now, see good and evil as one of these dual pairs, simply qualities of varying degree, and take a step back, realizing that these ideas are merely opposing forces like the magnet, neither good nor evil, just basically different. We are surrounded by these oppositions, yet underlying it all is a unity that is, at times, hard to grasp on any real level, but it can be done by just about anyone willing to open up their world to the possibilities latent within.

Right and wrong can be considered in a similar way and is basically dependent upon perspective just as the good and evil scenario maintains. Learning to see the dual nature of things, yet being capable of sensing its underlying unity is a first big step. The biggest illusion of them all is that we are separate. We seem to feel that we are distinctly separate from our world, and somewhere down the line we were all taught that we separated from the initial thread of creation, and have been looking for ways to get back ever since. Nothing seems further from the truth to me. We may have become unaware, over time, of our unique connection to things beyond our physical bodies, but in order for this to have happened, someone somewhere must have deliberately concealed and never revealed the truth of the matter. I’m convinced that there are selections of people around the globe with an understanding of things so far beyond what the mainstream world can comprehend it is of no use to disclose the articulate reality we find ourselves in.

Eventually a kind of knowing will develop, but in the meantime, someone has hi-jacked our reality and replaced it with one that is both inaccurate, and self defeating. Without a proper perspective on the world and reality we are faced with, we have little hope of solving our problems. Our sense of things has been deliberately distorted to cater to the needs of a select few, and it is here that we realize their biggest mistake. Greed and selfishness are in many cases over blown, and as a result the best interests of the group, humanity in general, are overlooked in favor of wealth and perceived success of a smaller group.

Thinking for your self is the only sure way of knowing; the only safeguard against the intentional distorting of your reality. Are events around the globe making sense to you, or are there underlying truths that will remain out of the general knowledge for decades beyond the occurence of the events themselves?

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