Redefining Realities and Global Energy Consumption

Redefining Realities and Global Energy Consumption

Cacophony of Chaos: Part 4

By now, I hope you realize why the existing power structure can’t cope with the idea of this new technology coming to the forefront. If we finally manufactured such a product on a massive scale; one that provided abundant, clean, and independent energy, the very rules that govern the planet would drastically change. Those that rule would be scrambling, just to keep up, in the days that came after such a technological advance. This advance is human destiny. Unfortunately, it’s been shoved down a dark corridor and kept from us and our evolution. When we are allowed the opportunity to experience this new reality, we will finally know what freedom is. On the contrary, the longer it remains occult oriented, and hidden, the deeper into slavery we shall fall.


The most frightening aspect I see is the one where this technology remains hidden and obscure, or one that results in the making of a devastating weapon against all those that seek to speak out against the group that already holds the knowledge. If this hasn’t already happened, I’ll be very surprised, but can you tell me of a single instance where a new technology wasn’t manipulated into doing a great deal of devastation to ourselves? Every item of interest in human development has been turned into something far from honorable. With the ingenuity of human beings, one would think that we would eventually learn to express the greatest good of a new discovery and thwart the efforts of those seeking only to do harm. Wishful thinking, I know.

I strongly urge those that know more than I to stand up and speak out. You may have knowledge I don’t, however you may be lacking in the understanding that, by this technology belonging to only a select few, humanity will surely suffer. We don’t have time, as it were, to even perfect space travel for getting ourselves off this rock. Our options are quickly diminishing in quality and character, but I remain optimistic that some greater force will lend us help. It’s time we all get comfortable with ideas of the incredible, fascinating, and impossible, for our futures are surely unknown. Definitions and understandings are growing at an immense pace; it’s not likely to slow down. Where this will take us in the decade to come, I surely won’t step forward and speculate, and I doubt that many would be capable of such an articulate undertaking.

These are exciting times we live in, and I can foresee more uniquely-structured unintended-consequences in store for us. When the complexity of systems advances and more articulate systems are added to the mix, a coupling of the probability waves of reality create something so spectacular it’s hard to grasp or predict. What I’m attempting to describe is this aspect of information systems, our understanding of varying systems, each of a unique quality, and how these interact with each other to manifest a new possibility that was hidden prior to the alchemic mixing. As human understanding of reality increases, and it is doing so at an increasing rate of speed, a new creation is projected forward in time. Humans can take part in that creation, or we can let the chaos of nature and the world around us dictate where we end up.

I’m set on the idea of creating my own reality, and I advocate this same idea in a more general way as well. We can affect change on a massive scale so long as we hold a singular vision and strive for an ideal that is somewhat agreed upon. Once we loose that collective focus or coherence behind the reality we wish to create, we no longer have the ability to create it with any real accuracy. It takes a collective unified vision, and a general consensus amongst participants to bring these realities into concrete experience. We can manifest great and spectacular things in our lives, and we can also stand up against the forces which strive to divide, and create vistas of beautiful vision and peace.

The vision I wish to advocate is one of self-sustainable communities. If we can poke-a-dot the landscape with small, fully functioning and fully autonomous townships, we would take great steps in securing the futures of a maximum number of people. As it currently stands, few would be able to survive a complete power grid failure for more than a week or two, let alone months or years. The motionless electromagnetic generator, or MEG, which Tom Bearden and colleagues have developed as a lab-table experiment, is far beyond the scope of modern electromagnetic engineering, and is capable of making the self-sustainable communities a reality. Power and electricity will never be of concern again. This device is virtually magic to those who don’t understand it, but there are even more amazing technologies on the horizon of mainstream thought acceptance. Right now, they’re still on the fringe, but I’m thinking that the next two years are very pivotal to them surfacing at all.




Global Energy Crisis

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